Sober living

Is MDMA Ecstasy Molly Addictive?

In nearly 25% of the samples, the researchers were unable to identify what was actually in the tablets. Another significant danger is the fact that people who take ecstasy don’t really know what they are actually ingesting. If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts while using ecstasy, call or text 988 (the national […]

Sober living

New genetic study confirms that alcohol is a direct cause of cancer Nuffield Department of Population Health

The accumulation of acetaldehyde has such unpleasant effects (including facial flushing and heart palpitations) that most people who have inherited the ALDH2 variant are unable to consume large amounts of alcohol and therefore have a low risk of developing alcohol-related cancers. People who said they had searched for cancer information were more likely to know […]

Sober living

Why Do Alcoholics Crave Sugar?

Sugary foods can easily fill in this gap, especially given that eating sweets is much more socially acceptable and appears less detrimental to your health than drinking. A replacement addiction (also called a transfer addiction) is when you quit one addictive behavior but feel like you need to replace it with something else. In this […]

Sober living

Stages of Change in the Addiction Recovery Process

Each group advocates a different set of recovery concepts and practices that have been formerly co-functioned. The researchers in the first group, including physicians, SUD (substance use disorder) experts, medical centers, and medical circles, define recovery as a process involving clinical diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation (5). After discussion with you, your health care provider may […]

Sober living

Overcoming Shame and Guilt in Recovery

Content How to Overcome Shame and Guilt in Recovery Rehab Programs Healing From Shame Self-forgiveness, shame, and guilt in recovery from drug and alcohol problems The difference between guilt and shame Are People The Cause Of Their Own Addictions? Guilt often stems from moral conscience and can help us distinguish right from wrong. For some […]

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